
  • Natalya Maltsevich Institute of Business of Belarusian State University, Білорусь
  • Sergey Osnovin Belarusian State Economic University, Білорусь
  • Ilya Maltsevich Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Білорусь


Ключові слова:

technological trends, digital transformation, industry


Introduction. Modern society is developing taking into account global long-term trends: digitalization, population growth, urbanization, environmental pollution, called megatrends. Currently, the global economy is developing rapidly in the light of information and industrial technologies. Production systems change the state of industry, so there is a transition to industrial mode, where production is managed as a single organism, in which technological and organizational elements are interconnected. Moreover, each element optimizes its activities taking into account changes in the external environment. Integration into the global economy requires the development of long-term strategies. Methods. The methodological basis of the study is the methods of scientific analysis, including the methods of the logical approach, comparative analysis and generalization. The conducted studies were carried out in order to study the essence of the ongoing technological transformations, the pace of their development, as well as the consequences of the human exposure to the emerging global digital ecosystem. Results. The article presents the spatio - temporal and institutional parameters, technological drivers of the fourth industrial revolution (physical, digital, biological megatrend blocks), tipping points, technological changes until 2025, basic technologies for digital transformation of industry. The article analyzes the main technological trends in the field of digital transformation of industry. Discussion. The results of studies of key relevant megatrends show that profitability remains the main criterion for digitalization efficiency for business entities, and economic efficiency indicators are the basic criteria.

Біографії авторів

Natalya Maltsevich, Institute of Business of Belarusian State University

Ph.D. (in Economics), Associate Professor Department of Business Administration

Sergey Osnovin, Belarusian State Economic University

Ph.D. (in Agriculture), Associate Professor Department of Marketing

Ilya Maltsevich, Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Postgraduate Student


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Як цитувати

Maltsevich, N., Osnovin, S., & Maltsevich, I. (2020). TECHNOLOGICAL INTEGRATED INSTRUMENTS AND TRENDS OF DIGITAL ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION. Економічний дискурс, 1(1), 25–31.


