DOI:Ключові слова:
social progress, public administration, social security system, national security, social risks, social and economic interestsАнотація
Introduction. Ensuring social security at the level of an individual, society or state is a central concept of activity of all branches of government in Ukraine, as it is a guarantee of public perception of the activities of public institutions and successful implementation of reforms. The lack of stability in Ukrainian society is particularly relevant to the task of ensuring multi-level social security and encourages the deepening and development of organizational and managerial principles of its regulation. Methods. The dialectical method of scientific cognition, complex, systematic, logical approaches, as well as a sociological survey were used to identify the state, problems and directions of providing social security, the sample size of which was 2515 respondents in 110 settlements of Ukraine, statistical error (probability 0,95, design effect 1,5) did not exceed 3,2% for metrics close to 50% and not less than 0,7% for metrics close to 1% and 99%. Results. Based on the hierarchy of the construction and functioning of social systems, there is reason to argue that the social security system is a complex multilevel system, which is formed and operates in the plane of objective and subjective processes from the influence of many factors of internal and external origin. A high level of social security is achieved by creating favourable conditions for ensuring a sufficient standard of living for the population and is characterized by the size of real incomes and the volume of economic benefits. Social security management is a purposeful activity of social security entities that develop and implement governmental, regulatory, coordinating, controlling, regulatory and organizationalmanagerial influences on social security objects for the purpose of forecasting, timely detection, prevention and neutralizing threats. Discussion. Further research should be carried out in the direction of developing the scientific basis of state regulation of social security, aimed at timely response to and elimination of social threats, formation of targeted mechanisms for achieving social security, coordination and interaction of authorities.Посилання
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