

Ключові слова:

elastomers, microplastics, elastoplastic micromasses, pollution, motor transport, highways, environment, region


which are formed as a result of the operation of motor transport, have been considered. The purpose of the article is to study the spatial aspects of the formation and spread of microelastomers on the highways of the region.

Methods. The methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as systematic generalization, were used in preparing the scientific publication.

Results. The main linear sources of environmental pollution by elastomers have been identified, and the characteristics of the processes of their formation and migration within the region due to the development of the transport infrastructure and the impact of settlement processes have been presented. Calculations of the volumes of microplastic masses formed on different motorways have been carried out.

Discussion. Taking into account a number of environmental parameters will make it possible to build models of the spread of pollution by microplastic masses in the region, visualize them on maps and make proposals for reducing the negative impact of elastomer pollution on the environment and public health.


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Як цитувати

Faifura, V., Bondar, O., & Faifura, V. (2024). ECOLOGICAL-SPATIAL ASPECTS OF POLLUTION IN THE REGION BY ELASTOPLASTIC MICROMASSES. Економічний дискурс, (1-2), 44–51.


