DOI:Ключові слова:
political marketing, political market, consumerization, social capital, target audience, political communication, mediaocracyАнотація
Introduction. Modern life is characterized by the interpenetration of social spheres, and political marketing is one of the examples of this. At the same time, the core of political reality is the political market, whose players compete for public support and trust using propaganda, populism and manipulation technologies. The use of the latter in the digital age is directly related to marketization and consumerization. Therefore, it is relevant to study the peculiarities of the use and impact of these technologies in a marketing way.
Methods. The raised problem was investigated theoretically using general scientific (analysis and synthesis, comparison and systematization) and special scientific (specialized economic and political approaches) methodology; the central method is the analysis of the available source and scientific and theoretical base.
Results. The tendency of borrowing economic marketing concepts by political marketing for their productive and effective transformation into the political field was revealed; it was investigated that the trust of the general population as the basic and most valuable resource of modern political marketing and as an immanent feature of society and public opinion is the object of the main competitions of political players and influencers, which was influenced by the technologies of propaganda, populism and manipulation; it was proved that digital technologies and media tools have modified the above means of influencing the consciousness of the masses in the direction of increasing their communication component, which indicates that with the development of the digital age, these technologies of political marketing have acquired the features of a full-fledged PR of classical marketing and are increasingly influencing the mass consciousness.
Discussion. The revealed problem creates the basis for further development of political marketing research, the study of which has been launched in the national science only recently and still lags behind the world scientific trends.
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