Ключові слова:
flation targeting, exchange rate, fiscal policy, inflationary expectations, interest rate, monetary policy, money supply, consumer price index, price supportАнотація
Introduction. In this article an analysis of national monetary policy of inflation processes regulation in transitional economies is investigated, and, based on research, make recommendations for improvement of the macroeconomic situation in Ukraine. Basic principles, directions, progress and model monetary policy trends are analyzed in EU. Priorities of monetary policy of Ukraine are considered and certainly, that adaptation of monetary policy of Ukraine to the standards of EU. Directions of adaptation of European models of monetary policy to the economy of Ukraine are investigated. Methods. The theoretical and methodological base of scientific research made of national and foreign scholars on the analysis of inflation in transition economies, official statistical data of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, reports the NBU. To ensure the authenticity and validity of the research results to the goal, the following methods have been used: induction and deduction – during theoretical generalizations and conclusions; analogy method – when comparing foreign experience of monetary policy; economics and statistics as methods of macroeconomic policy of Ukraine analyzing; retrospective analysis, which determines monetary policy; methods of system analysis and synthesis. Results. In the article the inflationary process in transition economies on the case is investigated. Reasonable steps further using of the European experience for Ukraine are founded. Particular attention to the normative acts improvement for the introduction of inflation targeting regime is given. Further research should relate to the construction of an own monetary policy model. In the process of its implementation it is necessary to use the experience of foreign countries. Discussion. The results of this study can be used by professionally regulating prices public authorities, such as the Ministry of Finance, the state statistical agencies.Посилання
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