Ключові слова:
market conditions, globalization, production, processing, exportАнотація
Introduction. This article describes the Ukrainian seed production as a major driver of domestic agriculture. The dynamics of acreage, yield, production and processing of sunflower is presented. The tendency to production increasing is defined, the main factors that influenced the prevailing trend, are indicated. Reasons for reduction of sunflower seed crushing in Ukraine are identified. The pricing policy of domestic and foreign markets of sunflower seeds and oil also are analyzed. The basic directions of export of sunflower oil are identified. The influence of globalization processes on the development of the market of sunflower is defined. Conclusions and forecasts for domestic farmers based on the calculations and the prevailing market dynamics are made. Methods. Research period was the past five years. As the information base of research we used the statistical data of state-level legislative materials, special literature on the researched topic. The following methods were used: dialectical, comprehensive and systematic approach to the study of economic processes, graphical method. Results. In order to balance production and processing capacities we have to follow next: the transition from extensive to intensive mode of modernization of technical base and production processes with the use of non-waste, environmentally friendly technologies; development of organizational forms of integration and the mechanism of economic relations between producers of agricultural products, processing enterprises and market with the active government support; innovation efforts. Discussion. The balance of the sunflower seeds production and crushing would allow receive high financial results to all participants of the process, as well as minimize the risks associated with a lack of raw materials. Herewith a state has received its benefits - revealed black market of sunflower seeds.
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