
  • Žaneta Simanavičienė Kaunas University of Technology, Department of Economics, Kaunas, Lithuania,
  • Eimantas Kisielius Kaunas University of Technology, Department of Economics, Kaunas, Lithuania,

Ключові слова:

social entrepreneurship initiatives, social enterprises, social business, social entrepreneurship, social entrepreneur


Introduction. Taking into consideration the fact that social entrepreneurship is a new phenomenon, it should be distinguished from other forms, and other phenomena. It is considered to be a challenging topic. Purpose. The author examines the interfaces between social entrepreneurship initiatives, social enterprises and social business. Methods. The investigation is based, first of all, on the analysis of recent researches and publications and, second of all, on several interviews with selected social entrepreneurship experts in Lithuania. The definition of social entrepreneurship and its interpretation in Lithuania, the content of corporate social responsibility and social enterprise were found. Results. The theoretical and practical study demonstrated that some authors distinguish social entrepreneurship from social enterprises, while other scientists explain the differences between social enterprises and social business. Empirical research showed that experts explain social enterprises as a certain part, a legal form of social entrepreneurship. The study revealed that social entrepreneurship might be implemented in other forms of social entrepreneurship initiatives. Discussion. Practical and theoretical analyses of social entrepreneurship confirmed that there is no common understanding of different phenomena: social entrepreneurship initiatives, social enterprises and social business. The study demonstrated the need for future research. It can be assumed that these phenomena share the same attributes and could be used in future study as analogues.

Біографії авторів

Žaneta Simanavičienė, Kaunas University of Technology, Department of Economics, Kaunas, Lithuania

Prof. habil.dr.

Eimantas Kisielius, Kaunas University of Technology, Department of Economics, Kaunas, Lithuania

PhD student


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Як цитувати

Simanavičienė, Žaneta, & Kisielius, E. (2016). INTERFACES BETWEEN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP INITIATIVES, SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND SOCIAL BUSINESS. Економічний дискурс, (1), 5–10. вилучено із


