Ключові слова:
investments, innovations, economy, enterprises, region, stateАнотація
Introduction. At present Ukrainian State has certain problems in public management of investment development for the region’s economy. Our country is a developing country, so to achieve a high level of economic development it is necessary to analyze foreign experience of enterprises’ investment in the region and to identify the characteristic features by which its increase is possible. Purpose. The aim of the article is to study international experience of investment activity of regional enterprises regarding the availability of preferential conditions and to protect the rights of foreign investors for attracting capital to their country and ensure structural and innovative changes in the national economy. Methodology of the study. Studies were conducted on the basis of monographic, abstract and logical, historical methods. The dialectical method of cognition of social and economic phenomena was the methodological basis in processing the material. Conclusions and prospects. Thus, as for the international experience of managing investment activity, it can be noted that in other countries government provides investors with preferential conditions for its implementation, ensures protection of the rights of foreign investors and creates all the conditions for attracting capital to their country. There is a transfer of rights and responsibilities in the management from the center to the regions. That is why Ukraine should take into account the experience of others, including their mistakes for effective management of the investment development of the economy in the region. Conclusions and prospects. So CEE countries progress towards creating a favorable investment climate consists in shaping the overall regulatory and institutional environment that is aimed at developing market economy, ensuring effective competition between economic entities and creating particular investment incentives of fiscal, regional, innovative character. The latter confirms the high level of competition in the global investment market that requires countries to build a balanced and effective system of incentives.
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