Ключові слова:
tourism, historical and cultural heritage, cultural tourism, tourism market, tourist resources, social and cultural servicesАнотація
Introduction. The relevance of the article is connected with the insufficient study of the problems of theoretical and methodological foundations of the mechanism of market of tourist services functioning in the field of cultural tourism and visiting of historical and cultural heritage objects, insufficient analytical research trends in the field of cultural tourism in terms of economic science. Methods. The methods of logical generalization, combination, analysis and synthesis, grouping, system and comparative analysis, monographic method are used in the course of research. The methodological basis of the study was theoretical development of domestic and foreign scientists and and own author's research. Results. The article defines the economic essence of the definition of cultural tourism as a one of main segments of the market of tourist services. The the basic elements of the market mechanism of tourist development of historical and cultural heritage are determined. The article presents and analyzed the newest tendencies in the tourist market using objects of historical and cultural heritage as resource base. Discussion. The perspective directions for further research of this topic is the study of methodological foundations and principles, technologies and tools of economic development of historical and cultural heritage, the impact of these processes on national, regional and global tourism markets and related industries; minimizing the negative consequences of the commodification of historical and cultural heritage and commercialization of culture.Посилання
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