Ключові слова:
knowledge economy, creative developmen, scientific programs, scientific and research development, scientific and economic space, scientific sector of economy, patent activityАнотація
Іntroduction. Successful creative development of the domestic economic system is closely linked to the qualitative filling of factors that form the level of innovation activity of its subjects and provide competitive advantages in the world economy. This determines the relevance of the study for the parameters of the creative and innovative functioning of its scientific sector. Methods. The research is based on a system of indicators proposed by the EBRD for analyzing the development of knowledge economy, taking into account the specifics of the national organization of official statistical observations. Results. The purposeful study of the creative and innovative functioning of the scientific sector of the domestic economic system has made it possible to identify its strengths and outline the main problems. There is a phenomenon of self-financing of scientific organizations, a rapid increase in financing of the scientific sector at the expense of organizations of the state sector of the economy and educational organizations of high accreditation levels. At the same time, a general trend is found to reduce the allocation of research funding from budget sources. The high share of foreign financing, especially in the branches of high-tech sciences, carries the risks of a permanent dependence of domestic science. Most of the financial flows are not related to the quality of research work. Imperfection of institutional provision leads to the inability of full grants to support scientific projects. The low activity of domestic scientists' patent activity is a brake on the development of a creative economy. Discussion. The direction of national science in the direction of globalization scientific and economic space opens up new prospects of integration with the European Research Area, the approximation of domestic institutional provision of science to EU policy in the relevant field.Посилання
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