DOI:Ключові слова:
economic system, competitiveness, management virtualization, information flows, management interaction, business processАнотація
Introduction. Achieving economic growth and high competitiveness of the enterprise in the market requires flexible development of tools to respond adequately to changes in the environment. The projected complication of the competitive business environment requires management to review existing management strategies and generate innovative ideas to identify new business priorities and formulate new models of managerial engagement. Methods. The analysis is based on systemic, structural, functional and synergistic approaches. Universal methods of formal logic and scientific abstraction, basic principles of research of innovation, investology, institutionalism, system-functional analysis of organizational construction of administrative interaction are used. Results. The direction of economic systems in the post-industrialization phase actualizes the need to move to innovative management principles to achieve competitive strategies. Established hierarchical models of management are not able to provide the necessary level of competitiveness of enterprises, which requires updating of management interaction schemes. The virtualized model takes into account the dynamism of the environment, provides high speed of transformations, initiates sufficient flexibility of technological and administrative-management infrastructures of the enterprise. The use of previously untapped benefits of information technology has led to the partial replacement of traditional management structures with more flexible ones. The need to save resources in times of systemic crisis leads to greater use of the outsourcing model, which forms a qualitatively new vision of virtualized business development. The flexibility of management interaction contributes to the leadership of the company when launching an innovative product on the market. Building a management system based on the principles of modeling complex business processes using horizontally directed information flows allows to build integrated competitive strategies of innovative production, involving managers of all levels in the management processes. Discussion. Further research should be directed to the development of methodological foundations for reformatting the systems of managerial interaction, depending on the peculiarities of the functioning of domestic business, working out methods of calculating the effectiveness of updated organizational structures of management, issues of institutional support for innovative enterprises.Посилання
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