DOI:Ключові слова:
economic assessment, modernization, bench running, engine, technical conditionАнотація
Introduction. Existing stands for running-in of repaired engines require modernization, which will reduce its duration and save fuel and energy resources. The issue of determining the amount of profit from the implementation of this scientific development requires a detailed feasibility study due to the fact that the run-in is only one of the many operations for engine repair, and as a service is not provided separately. The purpose of this work is to calculate interrelated technical and economic indicators and determine the feasibility of investing in the modernization of the control device of the rolling stand. Methods. As research methods, general logical methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis), a calculation-constructive method are used. The information base of the study was the experimental data of the enterprise with an annual repair program for 737 tractor engines. The aim of the research is to calculate the interrelated technical and economic indicators (physical indicators, initial cost indicators, criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of investment in a project) and determine the feasibility of investments in upgrading the running-bench control device. Results. The obtained values of the criteria indicators of capital investment efficiency during the modernization of the control device for the rolling stand indicate the feasibility of implementing the project. Discussion. The proposed method can be used by repair companies when justifying decisions on upgrading stands for engine running-in. Since the factories are equipped with obsolete break-in stands that do not correspond to farm equipment, they require replacement. The absence of modern break-in-brake stands at repair facilities may cause a refusal to issue them a production license and product certification. In further studies, it is important to establish the dependence of changes in the costs of maintenance and repair during operation in production conditions of engines run-in on a modernized stand and on a non-modernized one.Посилання
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